Adding a extra field with request payload?

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Hi, I want to add one extra field to my request payload.

If my payload is:


I want to have my payload as like this:


But, to do this, I want to extract all the variables and then I assign it to my payload.Instead of doing this, is there a easier way?

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If it is XML, You can use XSLT Apigee Policy.

If it is JSON, You need to use either Javascript or Java Policy to add new parameter as simple as ,

var payload = JSON.parse(context.getVariable("response.content")); = 1;
context.setVariable("response.content", payload);

Hope it helps.


Anil Sagar

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its var payload = JSON.parse(context.getVariable("request.content"));



I Made code like below:

var payload = JSON.parse(context.getVariable("request.content"));

payload.apiKey =201001;

context.setVariable("request.content", payload);

But final output became like below it's returning. Can you please check where i am making mistake here?

request.content [object Object]

Are you using


in a Javascript policy for checking the final output?

If so, you'll need to replace it with
