APIGEE Hybrid - Encryption error while creating Key Value Map entries


Environment: APIGEE Hybrid

We are currently getting errors while creating the 'KeyValueMap entries'.  We were able to create the 'keyValueMap' (map identifier name) encrypted=true. And can see the KVM from UI. But unable to create the KVM entries for the previously created KVM. 

Management API request:

curl --location --request POST 'https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/apigee-hybrid-****-*******/environments/preprod/keyva... \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer *****************************************' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "testkey",
"value": "test123"


Error Response:


"error": {

"code": 500,

"message": "Error while encrypting for encrypted KeyValueMap KeyValueMapScope {ScopeType ='ENVIRONMENTS', Organization = 'apigee-hybrid-****-****, Environment = 'preprod'}",

"status": "INTERNAL",

"details": [


"@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.PreconditionFailure",

"violations": [


"type": "keyvaluemap.service.ErrorDuringEncryption",

"subject": "[2002:a17:90a:d795::]:4496:smdm20:9805:225460:24744470",

"description": "Error while encrypting for encrypted KeyValueMap KeyValueMapScope {ScopeType ='ENVIRONMENTS', Organization = 'apigee-hybrid-****-****', Environment = 'preprod'}"





"@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.RequestInfo",

"requestId": "3746721517"






From the community I noticed some one had similar issue and but not sure about the status. Just FYR - https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/Apigee/Apigee-X-API-and-KVM/m-p/431291#M70915

If any had similar issue and got it resolved. Please let me know on how to resolve this issue ?/guide me with the steps creating new KVM entries through management API.









1 11 792

What version of hybrid are you running? I think that KVM capability is first available in the v1.7 runtime. Have you upgraded?

(That was the problem with the Apigee X runtime, too)

@dchiesa1 Hi Dino, 

Thanks for your response.

We are currently at Hybrid V1.6. But it seems the issue is there with V1.7 too as Giupo @Giupo mentioned in this ticket comments. 

Please let me know your views.





Hi Dino, 

We too have the same problem. It is not possible to load entries in KVMs with 1.7.0.

If it's behavior you don't expect, I try to open a ticket. Let me know

Response from google case: this particular feature to create environment KVMs is not yet pushed in Apigee Hybrid. This feature currently only exists in Apigee-X. This will roll out for Hybrid as well in the next release.

Thanks for that. My apologies for the inaccurate information.  I suppose this feature will first be available in hybrid v1.8

Good day! I'm running into the same issue on Apigee Hybrid 1.9.3 . Is this expected? 

Hi, I suggest you open a support ticket, it's full of bugs and it's better to interact with them instead of the community for these problems.

Well, Hmm, I don't agree with the statement  "it's full of bugs" but I do agree with the suggestion to open a support ticket.

indeed, I've worked with Apigee for years and this is the first bug I encounter and it might be because I did something wrong with the Hybrid installation.

I'll post here the solution when we get it from the support ticket. 

What version of Hybrid are you on. There was a known issue in some versions of hybrid with the encryption keys for keyvaluemaps. It’s fixed since then. I believe this is fixed in 1.8.6 and higher versions of Hybrid. 

we went from 1.8.0 to 1.9.3 recently.