API calls are being charged even for the configured freemium plan


We have created the custom publisher and developer portal for monetization using management APIs.

In Publisher Portal,

I have created the rate plan with rate card type as "Rate Card" and selected charging model as "Flat Rate" for newly created bundle.

I have also configured the freemium option as part of this rate plan as described below :

Freemium Usage(API calls) :5

Freemium Time Period : 1 Month.

Then I Published this rate plan for monetization.

In Developer Portal,

1. Created Developer User and added prepaid topup amount for purchasing rate plan

2. Logged into developer portal with developer userid and purchased the published rate plan successfully.

3. Created Developer App and added the API Product which is part of the purchased rate plan.

4. I can able to access the API end point with consumer Key.

5. My prepaid balance is getting reduced and charged for very first time call though freemium is configured with 5 free API calls.

we use below Monetization management API for creating rate plan with freemium option.

Please help and validate the below json for configuring the freemium at product level.

{ "name": "HCL API Product Bundle Oct 2020 Rate Plan", "currency": { "id": "usd" }, "description": "HCL API Product Bundle Oct 2020 Rate Plan", "displayName": "HCL API Product Bundle Oct 2020 Rate Plan", "freemiumDuration": "30", "freemiumDurationType": "DAY", "freemiumUnit": "10", "frequencyDuration": "30", "frequencyDurationType": "DAY", "earlyTerminationFee": "0", "monetizationPackage": { "id": "api-product-bundle-oct2020-yct1" }, "organization": { "id": "amer-mint-partner13" }, "paymentDueDays": "30", "prepaid": "true", "prorate": "false", "published": "true", "ratePlanDetails": [{ "currency": { "id": "usd" }, "paymentDueDays": "30", "meteringType": "UNIT", "organization": { "id": "amer-mint-partner13" }, "ratePlanRates": [{ "type": "RATECARD", "rate": "1.0", "startUnit": "0" }], "ratingParameter": "VOLUME", "type": "RATECARD" }], "recurringStartUnit": 1, "recurringType": "CALENDAR", "recurringFee": "0", "setUpFee": "0", "startDate": "2020-06-16 12:00:00", "type": "STANDARD" }

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Hi Prakash, can you check if you setup any setup fee in "contract details" section or "base fee" under "cost" section? These 2 items might be the reason for initial deduction even though you set "Freemium" for the first 5 free calls.