API Gateway caching

I’m using API Gateway, not Apigee, and I’ve been unable to find any documentation about caching. Does API Gateway do any caching of responses based on HTTP headers?

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https://cloud.google.com/api-gateway - this is the product?



Nicholas C. Zakas (@slicknet )
Owner, Human Who Codes LLC


No there is no caching today in API Gateway.

And, I'm going to direct you to a member of the PM team to talk about your requirements.

Great, thanks so much. 

Hi, I am also using API Gateway and I would be interested in caching responses. I couldn't find still any documentation regarding API Gateway caching. Is there by any chance a development that we could use for this? otherwise what is the recommended way to proceed?


Thanks in advance.

I think the answer is not different.there is no caching today in API Gateway. Use API Gateway in front of logic and services that are hosted in Google Cloud (Cloud Run, Cloud functions, etc). If you want to add caching, you can do that in one of two ways; 

  • with Cloud CDN, which would be placed "in front of" API Gateway
  • with Cloud MemoryStore, which would be placed 'behind" API Gateway