A ProxyEndpoint contains policies that affect the request and response to the backend. True or False?

New Member

From a Coursera course quiz:

"A ProxyEndpoint contains policies that affect the request and response to the backend."

The expected answer is "False".

Now, first of all, shouldn't the statement be:

"A ProxyEndpoint contains policies that affect the request to and response from the backend."


Because I don't know how else to understand it. Now if I put an XML2JSON into a ProxyEndpoint-Response/-Request flow ... then, of course, this will change the request to and/or the response from the backend.

Or am I misunderstanding the question?

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shouldn't the statement be:

"A ProxyEndpoint contains policies that affect the request to and response from the backend."


Yes, I agree with you. If the text you originally showed is in a Coursera evaluation, it is poorly worded and ought to be changed to be something like your suggested text.

if I put an XML2JSON into a ProxyEndpoint-Response/-Request flow ... then, of course, this will change the request to and/or the response from the backend.

Or am I misunderstanding the question?

If I were reading this question, I would think, "what was the test writer trying to communicate here?" And I think what they'd be going for was

A TargetEndpoint contains policies that affect the request to and response from the backend."

So I'd be inclined to answer the question "false" and keep to myself the idea that "of course policies that run in the proxyendpoint can affect what is sent to the backend, but I'm pretty certain that was not the intent of the question here."