504 Gateway timeout error shows html content

Not applicable

For 504(Gateway Time-out) http status code, apigee is not sending the custom response as per the Fault Rule Handling, Instead it sends the html response, even though in trace window under Response Sent to Client shows expected response which is as per fault rule handling.

But somehow when we see the final response on Postman, we get a html stating Gateway-timed-out error

0 3 788

That the postman option ..change the type(drop down) to JSON instead of HTML.

did you find any solution for it? @Lawrance Ruban

i am facing the same issue...

@Fahad Tanwir, have you checked if there is a loadbalancer or a web gateway in front of Apigee that is sending the HTML response?

I had seen a similar issue, and figured that there was a web gateway in front of Apigee that was timing out before Apigee sent the 504 response and the HTML response was coming from the gateway.

Reference: https://community.apigee.com/questions/65200/seeing-a-502-bad-gateway-response-instead-of-http.html?...