501 status code in edgemicro logs when going through forwarding proxy server

Not applicable


We have configured forwarding proxy server(Squid) for outgoing calls from edgemicro server.
However, it is not able to talk and is getting a 501 back. Logs below -

warning: products download from https://<org>-<env>.apigee.net/edgemicro-auth/products returned 501 Not Implemented warning: config download from https://edgemicroservices.apigee.net/edgemicro/bootstrap/organization/<org>/environment/<env>; returned 501 Not Implemented

However curl requests are working fine.

Has anyone encountered this. Are there any suggestions?

Edgemicro version is 2.3.5

Proxy server is squid



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Former Community Member
Not applicable

Any updates on this @jaskarangump?

Not applicable

When you say curl requests are working fine - are you seeing different behavior with Postman v. CURL to the same endpoint? It is unclear what this means.

From the information provided, you should be certain that Squid is pointed to a properly configured EMG instance - the errors you see are typically indicative of configuration issues.