403 error while sending a lengthy query parameter


I am trying to send this query 

data=select p.gencod, i.barcode, i.stock from produits p join produitsfiches pf using (barcode) join imagestocks i using (barcode) where i.codemag='INTERNET' and pf.actif=1 and VisibleWeb=1 group by p.produit

Where i am getting forbidden error and the request is not captured in trace too.

If i try to send the below query, the request is success.

data=select p.gencod, i.barcode, i.stock from produits p join


Is it due to length of the query or special characters ?

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@VPRIYADH - Do you have a WAF (Cloud Armor or similar) in front of Apigee and probably thats blocking the calls and never hitting Apigee?

Hope this is not because of WAF. If I send a request with query like data=select p.gencod, i.barcode, i.stock from produits p join, it is giving me success response.

Sure - It could be possible that the WAF thinks it's a SQL Injection and blocking it. Please check with your networking team if a WAF is in place and if thats blocking it. If the call itself is not reaching Apigee, I am not sure how to help