4.18 upgrade Postgres db

postgres db did not start due to this error

2018-03-07 13:46:33 UTC [18013]: [2-1] user= db= host= FATAL: database files are incompatible with server
2018-03-07 13:46:33 UTC [18013]: [3-1] user= db= host= DETAIL: The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 9.3, which is not compatible with this version 9.6.1.

i only have single postgres (no slave) and per upgrade guide, all i need is to update the ps. any idea what i need to do?

In a 1-node and 2-node installation of Edge, topologies used for prototyping and testing, you only have a single Postgres node. You can update these Postgres nodes directly without having to create a new Postgres node

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