Input format for testing stable diffusion v1.5


I am having some problems regarding testing the deployed stable diffusion v1.5 model.
Model is deployed successfully,


and the endpoints are also active,


But when I try to test the model it gives me this 400 bad request error.


Anything I am doing wrong?

Hopefully someone could help.

Thanks in advance!




It seems like there might be a few potential issues causing the 400 bad request error when you're trying to test the deployed model. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Check Request Format: Ensure that the request format you're sending to the model endpoint matches the expected format. This includes the headers, payload structure, and any required parameters.

  2. Payload Content: Make sure that the payload you're sending contains all the necessary information required by the model for inference. Double-check the content and structure of the payload against the model's documentation.

  3. Authentication: Verify if the deployed model endpoint requires authentication. If it does, ensure that you're providing the correct credentials in your request.

  4. Endpoint URL: Confirm that you're using the correct URL for the model endpoint in your request. Even a small typo in the URL can lead to a 400 error.

  5. Input Data Preprocessing: Check if any preprocessing steps are required for the input data before sending it to the model. Ensure that you're preprocessing the data correctly according to the model's requirements.

  6. Model Version Compatibility: Ensure that the version of the model you're testing is compatible with the deployed version. Sometimes, mismatches between the model version and the deployed version can cause errors.

  7. Server Logs: Check the server logs for any additional information about the error. The logs might provide clues about what went wrong during the request processing.

  8. Network Issues: Ensure that there are no network issues causing the request to fail. Check for any connectivity issues or firewall restrictions that might be blocking the request.