How to trace a SOAP message on Apigee

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If you ever tried SOAP to REST, you will soon find out the the Trace facility limits the amount of characters that it displays. The documentation state that the "show curl" and download trace will show the full text ... NOT QUITE correct. it limits the number of characters to just over 1,000 (mine was 1115).

Since a lot of soap message have namespace headers that can be long and bodies that can be even longer that characters limit made the trace useless with soap messages.

However, Anil Sagar gave me an idea with a sample that he wrote for me: In the flow of target endpoint, add javascript that does this:


This will result in the full soap message being available in the "output from all transactions" pane.

This was a great help to debug SOAP content issue ... just remember to de-activate it before running transaction volume of any kind.


Thanks for this great tip, @Normand Plouffe and @Anil Sagar. I've added a note about it in Using the trace tool and linked back to this post.

Version history
Last update:
‎05-05-2017 04:16 PM
Updated by: