Walkthrough: Trying out Apigee X Evaluation End to End

Walkthrough: Trying out Apigee X Evaluation End to End

Hey All,

In this video I go (from scratch) through the experience of setting up an Apigee X evaluation organization. The video is meant to be a walkthrough of this process as of the date I recorded it (May, 2021). If you are watching in in the future, the process may be slightly different, for the better.

The video is split into chapters covering the following topics:

  1. 00:00:00​ Intro Apigee X
  2. 00:01:00​ Searching for Apigee X Installation Instructions
  3. 00:01:54​ Apigee X Quickstart
  4. 00:02:32​ Apigee X Evaluation Org Prerequisites
  5. 00:04:40​ Creating a Google Cloud Project
  6. 00:06:05​ Setup GCP billing account with $300 free trial credit
  7. 00:08:20​ Google Cloud Project name and ID
  8. 00:08:53​ Apigee X software prerequisites (gcloud & curl)
  9. 00:10:08​ Install gcloud apigee alpha
  10. 00:14:26​ Apigee X evaluation vs paid org instructions
  11. 00:15:57​ Setup & initialize gcloud
  12. 00:17:13​ Define installation environment variables
  13. 00:17:42​ Instance RUNTIME_LOCATION. (region vs zone)
  14. 00:21:25​ Enabling GCP APIs needed for Apigee X eval
  15. 00:22:08​ Using the Apigee X provisioning wizard
  16. 00:23:57​ Configuring Apigee X networking with the provisioning wizard
  17. 00:28:20​ Provision Apigee X evaluation org with wizard
  18. 00:31:19​ Apigee X architecture diagram
  19. 00:34:10​ Apigee X evaluation org console overview
  20. 00:38:51​ Test hello-world API proxy internally
  21. 00:41:01​ Create internal test virtual machine
  22. 00:43:24​ Calling hello-world API proxy from internal VM with curl
  23. 00:48:23​ Overview for setting up external networking
  24. 00:51:18​ Apigee doc instructions for enabling external network access
  25. 00:54:46​ Creating external access network bridge (Managed Instance Group)
  26. 00:58:28​ Configure external load balancer IP and firewall rules
  27. 01:00:40​ Configure external load balancer certificate using Google Managed Certs
  28. 01:02:11​ Register a domain for the external load balancer using Google Cloud Domains
  29. 01:05:26​ Create DNS A record to use with external load balancer
  30. 01:08:16​ Configure external load balancer back-side
  31. 01:09:16​ Configure external load balancer front-side
  32. 01:10:18​ Review external load balancer configuration
  33. 01:13:07​ Calling hello-world API proxy from external network with curl
  34. 01:17:13​ Calling hello-world API proxy from external network with browser
  35. 01:17:45​ Recap of the work done

The video has very little editing, so you will see any mistakes I make, and how I correct them. I would recommend watching the video at 1.25x or 1.5x speed.


Whoo-hoo, this is really nice Miguel!

Version history
Last update:
‎05-10-2021 03:56 PM
Updated by: