Setting monetization related custom roles

Following on @Kurt Kanaskie's excellent compilation of resource paths useful for setting custom roles (, here is a list of resource paths related to monetization operations. The initial list includes operations a product manager would most likely use such as creating packages and rate plans, defining reports, generating reports, etc.

Area Operation Path Permission
Credits Issue credit to a developer /monetization-packages/*/rate-plans/*/real-currency-credit-transactions put
Credits List credits issued /transaction-search put
Refunds Issue a refund /monetization-packages/*/refund-transactions put
Refunds List refunds issued /transaction-search put
Reports View reports definitions /report-definitions get
Reports Create a report definition /report-definitions put
Reports Delete a report defintion /report-definitions/* delete
Reports Update a report defintion /report-definitions/* put
Reports Generate a report /billing-reports
API Packages View all API packages /monetization-packages get
API Packages View an API package /monetization-packages/* get
API Packages Create an API package /monetization-packages put
API Packages Delete an API package /monetization-packages/* delete
API Packages Add an API product to an API package /monetization-packages/*/products/* put
API Packages Delete an API product from an API package /monetization-packages/*/products/* delete
API Packages View all API packages accepted by a developer /developers/*/monetization-packages get
API Products View all API products /products get
API Products View an API product /products/* get
Rate Plans View all rate plans /monetization-packages/*/rate-plans get
Rate Plans View a rate plan /monetization-packages/*/rate-plans/* get
Rate Plans Create a rate plan /monetization-packages/*/rate-plans put
Rate Plans Update a rate plan /monetization-packages/*/rate-plans/* put
Rate Plans Delete a rate plan /monetization-packages/*/rate-plans/* delete
Rate Plans Create a rate plan revision (or future rate plan) /monetization-packages/*/rate-plans/*/revision put
Transaction activity View the status of transactions /transactions/developers/* get

The attached curl command curl-monetization-role.txt shows an example of creating a custom role called "monetization-role" and assigning all these permissions to it.


Thanks for this list. One question though - is the Permissions "put" for /transaction-search (List credits issued)? Or should it be a Get?




It is actually "put", since /transaction-search has a POST verb (because it requires a request payload, the search criteria)

Version history
Last update:
‎07-26-2018 06:53 PM
Updated by: