Change of proxy.client.ip after manipulating X-Forwarded-For header ( Chained proxy )

1 0 1,353

proxy.client.ip has a behavior that changes based on the way we manipulate XFF header.

This was tested by two proxies. One calling the other ( proxy chain )

Scenario 1st :

In this scenario proxy one ( test ) call another proxy ( proxychain ) .

When (test) apiproxy API call is invoked it will call proxychain apiproxy. While doing so

proxychain apiproxy will have two IPs in X-Forwarded-For header.

X-Forwarded-For header :,

Below are the details of the IPs : IP of actual client calling the API in apiproxy ( test ) : IP of the message processor.

The proxy.client.ip in this case will be the one of the actual client IP that is calling API in apiproxy ( test)

proxy.client.ip :

Below is the screenshot of the trace for apiproxy ( proxychain )


Scenario 2nd :

In this scenario proxy one ( test ) call another proxy ( proxychain ) .

When (test) apiproxy API call is invoked it will call proxychain apiproxy. While doing so

proxychain apiproxy will have one IP in X-Forwarded-For header.

X-Forwarded-For header :

Below are the details of the IPs : IP of the message processor.

The proxy.client.ip in this case will be of the message-processor

proxy.client.ip :

Below is the screenshot of the trace for apiproxy ( proxychain )


In the above case the X-Forwarded-For header was removed from the calling apiproxy. In this case that would be ( test ) apiproxy.

	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="RemoveXFF">
            <Header name="X-Forwarded-For"/>
    <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>

So if we manipulate the X-Forwarded-For header in proxy chaining we will get different results for proxy.client.ip values in the API proxy that is being called.



Version history
Last update:
‎12-10-2017 11:29 PM
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