​Creating a symlink from /opt/apigee to install Edge for Private Cloud 4.16.01

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Edge installs all files in the /opt/apigee directory. You cannot change this directory. However, you can create a symlink to map /opt/apigee to another location.

Before you create the symlink, you must first create a user and group named "apigee". This is the same group and user created by the Edge installer.

To create the symlink, perform these steps before downloading the bootstrap.sh file. You must perform all of these steps as root:

1. Create the "apigee" user and group:

> groupadd -r apigee
> useradd -r -g apigee -d /opt/apigee -s /sbin/nologin -c "Apigee platform user" apigee 

2. Create a symlink from /opt/apigee to your desired install root:

> ln -Ts /srv/myInstallDir /opt/apigee

where /srv/myInstallDir is the desired location of the Edge files.

3. Change ownership of the install root and symlink to the "apigee" user:

> chown -h apigee:apigee /srv/apigee /opt/apigee

4. Install Edge as described in the Edge Install Guide.


Version history
Last update:
‎04-19-2016 08:05 AM
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