Managing APIs with Apigee Edge Microgateway and NGINX

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Hi all,

Often times it is helps scalability to have multiple instances of Edge Microgateway proxying the same target application(s). But now you have to manage the traffic across several proxies instead of just one.

I've written a 'How to' about setting up multiple Microgateway instances and load balancing them with NGINX, which you can find here. This tutorial will give brief instruction on:

  1. How to set up Microgateway as a proxy for your application
  2. Configure NGINX to load balance multiple instances of the same proxy
  3. Run & test your set up

If you've done this with NGINX or any other load balancing tool before and have any insight or feedback, give us a comment!

New Member

Its excellent Article. Thanks a lot for sharing it

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New Member

When I try to access the link it gives me error

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New Member

Thanks that works

Version history
Last update:
‎03-23-2016 02:22 PM
Updated by: