Convert UTC to local time zone in Looker (have bigquery database)

I am not able to convert my UTC timestamp column to a local destination timezone using a different column in my BigQuery database.

The complete scenario is, I have a column timezone in one my destination table in which I am trying to convert my current utc_timestamp column which is in UTC.

dimension_group: timestamp_actual {
    type: time
    timeframes: [
    description: "Actual date (destination timezone)"
    sql: DATETIME(${utc_timestamp}, ${destination.timezone});;

would really appreciate if somebody have thoughts or any solution for this?

any thoughts 

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@mohiit_jain3 @fabio1 

Of course Fabio is right - my example was just a template assuming you have a source data of two columns - one ts (timestamp) and one bigquery compatible timezone tz (string).

Then putting the following statements should work
sql: DATETIME(${TABLE}.ts, ${TABLE}.tz) ;; 
datatype: date

And btw “datatype: datetime” (bigquery) never worked for me, ever 🙂 it surely produces wrong SQL. I ended up converting everything to timestamp OR using the hack described above.

Of course I can be getting it all wrong but for the last few years, couldn’t find a better approach.

View solution in original post


@fabio1 @vfx1 @izzymiller ? anyone else maybe?

@Dawid any idea about this?

Unfortunately, I haven’t ever done a deep-dive on this type of use case. I suspect the conclusion may be that Looker works natively with timestamps that represent points in time, and doesn’t have a good, native abstraction for grouping together locally-notated times that are divorced from specific instants in time.

That said, here are some ideas to try:

  • Try using `datatype: datetime`. In theory, this should let you consume a column whose BQ type is `DATETIME`, though I recall there being some unexpected/missing functionality there which I’m not sure if it was ever resolved
  • Try making your own string-based representation
  • Probably a bad idea: Try converting the column to a modified point in time that would have the right datetime in some reference timezone, like UTC, and then working with the field as a timestamp but with `convert_tz: no`. Fair warning, every time I tried to use `convert_tz: no` I concluded that it does not make sense to use it ever, but maybe this use case does, I’m not sure.

Let me try these out @fabio1 , thank you for the recommendations!

New Member

I am not able to convert my UTC timestamp column to a local destination timezone using a different column in my BigQuery database.

The complete scenario is, I have a column timezone in one my destination table in which I am trying to convert my current utc_timestamp column which is in UTC.

dimension_group: timestamp_actual {
    type: time
    timeframes: [
    description: "Actual date (destination timezone)"
    sql: DATETIME(${utc_timestamp}, ${destination.timezone});;

would really appreciate if somebody have thoughts or any solution for this?

any thoughts 

Hi Mohit,

This seems to be working beautifully:

  SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() as ts, 'Asia/Kolkata' as tz
SELECT ts, tz, DATETIME(ts, tz) as ts_tz FROM a

Now, because of the conversion to DATETIME, Looker is not going to like it. Be sure to mention datatype: date which sounds incorrect but as described in my previous post, is hack around the wrong use of Looker’s DATETIME type. 

This shoud work.

Actually, the code did not give any error but I got the null values.

I tried to run this--

dimension: airport_timezone_actual_arrival {
    type: date
    description: "Actual arrival date (Airport timezone)"
    sql: ( With a as (select ${actual_departure_raw} as ad, ${destination_airport.airport_timezone} as dt)
            Select DATETIME(ad, dt) from a);;


@mohiit_jain3 I see you tagged me, but I’m not sure about that approach... that suggestion was from @vfx1 

Edit: I do think in their suggestion, the CTE (the `WITH a as (...)` clause) was just for some example data, it would not actually go into your dimension, instead you would refer to your columns directly in the DATETIME call

New Member

@mohiit_jain3 @fabio1 

Of course Fabio is right - my example was just a template assuming you have a source data of two columns - one ts (timestamp) and one bigquery compatible timezone tz (string).

Then putting the following statements should work
sql: DATETIME(${TABLE}.ts, ${TABLE}.tz) ;; 
datatype: date

And btw “datatype: datetime” (bigquery) never worked for me, ever 🙂 it surely produces wrong SQL. I ended up converting everything to timestamp OR using the hack described above.

Of course I can be getting it all wrong but for the last few years, couldn’t find a better approach.

Sounds great @vfx1 @fabio1. Really appreciate you guys!

I was wondering if I have to use the datatype:date then I won’t be able to use the dimension group right? I can only create a normal dimension out of it!!

@mohiit_jain3 - You can’t use the `dimension_group: ` syntax in this case, but you CAN create multiple `dimensions:` that have the same `group_label` value, and it will result in the same output/functionality

copy, really helpful. Thanks @fabio1 

New Member

@mohiit_jain3 - You can’t use the `dimension_group: ` syntax in this case, but you CAN create multiple `dimensions:` that have the same `group_label` value, and it will result in the same output/functionality


Fabio, I think my hack works with dimension group quite well. See the following example:

view: test_ts_tz {
derived_table: {
current_timestamp as ts,
'Asia/Kolkata' as tz

dimension_group: ts_tz {
type: time
datatype: date
timeframes: [
sql: DATETIME(${TABLE}.ts, ${TABLE}.tz) ;;

Then with an empty explore, select any time dimension, like this:


And here’s the SQL to prove it actually does it 🙂

WITH test_ts_tz AS (SELECT
current_timestamp as ts,
'Asia/Kolkata' as tz
FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('%F %T', CAST(DATETIME(test_ts_tz.ts, AS TIMESTAMP)) AS test_ts_tz_ts_tz_time,
FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('%F %H', CAST(DATETIME(test_ts_tz.ts, AS TIMESTAMP)) AS test_ts_tz_ts_tz_hour,
CAST(CAST(DATETIME(test_ts_tz.ts, AS TIMESTAMP) AS DATE) AS test_ts_tz_ts_tz_date
FROM test_ts_tz

GROUP BY 1,2,3

So once again, specifying datetime: date deals with the years old looker bug when working with bigquery datetime.

I hope this is useful.

@vfx - you’re very right! I had gotten confused and thought we were talking about `type: date`, not `datatype: date`. As long as it is `type: time`, then you’re right, dimension_group is supported

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