Unable to create Google Cloud Storage - Bucket List


I'm facing some trouble creating Google Cloud Storage - Bucket List. 

I'm still facing the following issue - please advise on what is the remedy action that I should be taking. 

Also, I've signed up for the standard support - the 2nd tier at 29 dollar per month. And still I do not get access to their engineer support? Thank you

Screenshot 2024-04-18 145620 - Google Cloud Storage.png


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Hello @orangelobster11 

Welcome on the Google Cloud Community. Following error says that you service account does not have mandatory permission. Grant this permissions by granting predefined role [1]. That should help. 

Following screenshot contain predefined roles which contain permission taken from your image. 




Thank you so much for the solution. I will give it a try when I have the time. I will accept your solution once I've confirmed that it works at my end.


Once you add needed permissions via role, check also from bucket (focus-machinery bucket afaik) perspective wether role has been applied or not. 


Hi DamianS, 

Thank you very much for your email replies. Cheers. I will proceed to close this original post now. I believe that it will work. Thanks