Out of memory in Compute Engine with T4/V100 GPU


I am having a problem running software developed with Unreal Ungine 5 and Pixel Streaming. I have configured a Compute Engine with Windows Server 2022 with an NVIDIA T4 (and another with an NVIDIA V100 to see if the problem was with the GPU).

When installing the drivers, there was no problem, since the system detects the dedicated GPU and the Pixel Streaming server is up, but when running the software, it gives an “out of memory” error, which does not make sense due to the power of the graphics with which we are working:

Any idea what might be going on? Since this software is the only thing running on the Compute Engine, so the GPU is free.

Thanks in advance.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-06 a las 13.49.28.png

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