GKE Autopilot diff between gke-l7-global-external-managed and gke-l7-global-external-managed-mc

I am trying to set up a multi cluster gateway with an external global ip. The guide https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/deploying-multi-cluster-gateways suggests to use gke-l7-global-external-managed-mc, but when I do kubectl get gatewayclass I only get:

gke-l7-global-external-managed networking.gke.io/gateway True 13d
gke-l7-gxlb networking.gke.io/gateway True 13d
gke-l7-regional-external-managed networking.gke.io/gateway True 13d
gke-l7-rilb networking.gke.io/gateway True 13d

I take this to mean that gke-l7-global-external-managed-mc isn't available to me. What is difference between gke-l7-global-external-managed and gke-l7-global-external-managed-mc?

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This turned out to be permissions issue. After talking with support and enabling permissions I found that Multi-Cluster gateway/services needed to be enabled on fleet, but some other things needed to be enabled. I don't have time at the moment to be more detailed, I may edit this later. The things that need to be enabled are relatively scattered in the documentation though.


Would you be able to share what was missing? I'm having this same problem and your question is the first google result

I've followed the following 2 sections and enabled everything, and verified the config cluster and everything, however I still don't see the other gateway classes as available



EDIT: For others struggling with this, I managed to get this working the following day by disabling the multi cluster gateway with this command:

gcloud container fleet ingress disable

Followed by re-enabling it again ~5 minutes later with the command in the linked guides

I already tried this yesterday, but I'm guessing I re-enabled it too quickly? Anyhow, it's all working now at least

(Also while I'm here... If your service imports don't appear in your config cluster because you forgot to create the namespace they're exported from, just restart the mcs-importer pod and it'll create them)

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