What is the best thing you could highlight about using Google Cloud?

I am curious to know what opinions they have about why they use Google Cloud and why they consider it the best option and in what areas they have performed and it has helped them.
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Hi @ManuelCarrascal,

Welcome to the Google Cloud Community!

In my opinion, one of Google Cloud Platform's (GCP) most compelling advantages over other cloud providers is Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). GKE offers a managed Kubernetes service, meaning you can deploy and manage containerized applications without the burden of manually setting up and maintaining a Kubernetes cluster. One of its key features is Autopilot mode, which automates cluster configuration, including node management, scaling, security, and other pre-defined settings [1]. This allows you to focus on your application development and deployment, leaving the infrastructure complexities to GKE.

GKE also is more user-friendly. You can view and create clusters, nodes, pods, services, and DaemonSets within the console, with this, you can easily configure and easily debug if ever there's an issue.

[1]. https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/autopilot-overview#what-is-autopilot