Miscalculated in Calculated Field

Hi Everyone!

I'm doing FB ad performance dashboard with data source by supermetrics.

I have a problem with calculated field in my dashboard (Blended table*). I just want to get 'Cost per website conversion' I tried to calculated by dividing the total ad spend by the number of website conversions, but didn't work and the data showed very over amount. Anyone know about this issue and plese help me to fix it.

And I provided the full code that I wrote to get the actual number of performance in each metrics below. - The problem are 3 cost per ...
WHEN Key Metric = "Reach" THEN Reach
WHEN Key Metric = "Impressions" THEN Impressions
WHEN Key Metric = "Ad Recall Lift" THEN Estimated ad recall lift (people)
WHEN Key Metric = "CPM" THEN CPM
WHEN Key Metric = "New messaging conversations" THEN New messaging conversations
WHEN Key Metric = "Cost Per New Messaging Conversation" THEN Cost per new messaging conversation
WHEN Key Metric = "Clicks" THEN Clicks (all)
WHEN Key Metric = "CPC" THEN CPC (all)
WHEN Key Metric = "Video Views" THEN Ten-second video views
WHEN Key Metric = "Post Engagements" THEN Post engagements
WHEN Key Metric = "Website Conversions" THEN Website conversions
WHEN Key Metric = "Cost Per Website Conversion" THEN Cost per website conversion
WHEN Key Metric = "On-facebook Leads" THEN On-Facebook leads
WHEN Key Metric = "Cost per On-facebook Lead" THEN Cost per on-Facebook lead
WHEN Key Metric = "Purchase Value" THEN Purchase conversion value

Used default field, cost per website conversion and the code under name, Test_Actual.


Thank you in advance.

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