AlloyDB resource scale down

Can we scale down AlloyDB machine type - vCPU and Memory once the cluster got created?

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Hi @RavikumarV ,

Unfortunately, , directly scaling down the virtual CPUs (vCPUs) and memory (i.e., the machine type) of an existing AlloyDB cluster in Google Cloud is not supported.

  • AlloyDB is designed for high performance and availability. Reducing the machine type dynamically would require significant internal reconfiguration, potentially disrupting ongoing operations and cluster stability.

Possible Workarounds

Create a New Cluster

  • Procedure: Start by creating a new AlloyDB cluster with the desired, smaller machine type. Then, migrate your data from the existing cluster to the new one using data migration tools like pg_dump and pg_restore.

  • Considerations: This method will likely involve some downtime during the data migration process, and you'll need to handle the transfer of database connections and configurations.

Thanks Mark Shay for your detailed answer. 

Hi @RavikumarV

I'm a product manager for AlloyDB and am excited to help you with your question. You can absolutely scale down or up any of your instances on your cluster after cluster creation. Scale up and down operations are completed with near zero (<1s) downtime on your primary instances with high availability and with zero downtime on your read pools.  

