This is hillarious


You've got "explorers" listed before me... Participants 1, 2, 3, and 4s as well.... because that makes sense.  Not like I've been here for YEARS, with thousands of posts under my belt.

But you're right... makes more sense to list the newbies first.  (In a list of "Top" solution authors) 

๐Ÿคฃ  #HeresYourSign

4 3 189

Community Manager
Community Manager


In the image, Top Accepted Solutions Authors Leaderboard, the order is not determined by the rank of a user.  It is determined by when the post was marked as a solution during the time range selected on the leaderboard.

I hope this helps clarify any confusion.

Thank you,

Michelle | Community Manager


Community Manager
Community Manager

@MultiTech, this is good feedback though into additional default sorting rules we should be looking at applying within each time range view. In addition to total solutions accepted, we will look to then sort by member rank. I will add this to the roadmap for the next leaderboard update.

I'm just noticing that it's all the "little individual things" that are combining together to push the quality posts out there (not only by myself; Levent has spent a ridiculous amount of time on some of his posts, same for Steve, and many others as well).

It's when you combine all these separate parts of the community together - they bring about the resultant effect of suppressing the older posts.  (Many of which are literally the exact answers people are looking for.  But they're from 4 years ago)

Cheers!  Thanks for accepting this as it was intended - it's not a personal thing (it could sound like I'm a Diva here  - lol), I'm thinking about the people.  It's frustrating to see a ton of people asking the same questions over and over again... when those questions were answered years ago... literally 5 times over.  (^_^)