Community Tip | Auto title your links

When you include links in your community posts, use this tip to show the corresponding webpage title instead of the URL:

After pasting, click on the link, choose the option Auto-title as shown below. 

Capture d’écran 2022-03-11 à 10.38.24.png

This is the result:

Capture d’écran 2022-03-11 à 10.39.21.png


  • This is NOT available in mobile view. 
  • The title seams to be read from the HTML page title attribute. 


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That's a really handy tip, I had recorded a macro to provide a nicely formatted box for help article links, but this might be quicker. If anyone is interested in the macro, here is the html for it:


<p>Take a look at the following article in the help documentation.</p>
<table border="1" width="90%">
<td width="50"><li-image width="48" height="48" alt="appsheet_rebrand_logo.png" align="center" id="37980iEB98AE7CAFB5BA1E" size="small" resized="true" sourceType="new"></li-image></td>
<td><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Accessing column values before and after an update</a></td>
<td>Access the value of a column before and after a record is updated.</td>


It is displayed as follows:

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Take a look at the following article in the help documentation.


appsheet_rebrand_logo.pngAccessing column values before and after an update
 Access the value of a column before and after a record is updated.

That is neat 🙂 thank you Graham!