JSON Sanitizer Java Callout Policy Codelab

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Java Callouts are a flexible and performant way to extend the functionality of your OOTB policies.

From a Java development perspective it is your custom class that extends an Execution interface's execute() method. No surprises here.

This advanced lab guides you through the experience of creating a useful Java Callout end-to-end, step-by-step completely from scratch up to the finished proxy.

It uses Eclipse, but it can be easily mapped to your favourite IDE. It does not assume you being a seasoned Java developer. If you are, great. If not, go through the steps and then concentrate on the execute() method and google stackoverflow to assemble the functionality you want to create.

The lab goes through the unit tests/mocking and remote debugging process, because those are important means for you to be able to evolve your code beyond a couple of lines.


Please, do search github with 'apigee java callout' keywords to see other real useful callouts you can use as a starting point during development.

This CodeLab is a part of ALfA Advanced Labs for Apigee collection of materials to help you increase your knowledge and skill set at intermediate and advanced stages of learning Apigee Edge Cloud and OPDK product offerings.

Version history
Last update:
‎07-24-2019 02:03 AM
Updated by: