Noise Reduction- Cyrus Robinson, community domain expert

Have you ever noticed trees that are marked with spray paint? Now, I’m no tree spray paint marking expert, but it’s my understanding that different colors or symbols can signify different things such as trees that need to be removed, are damaged but may survive, need to be treated, or are a danger to public utilities. If you’re walking through a neighborhood, trees with these markings can be easily identified along the street, but this gets much trickier when you’re walking through a forest and need to find the trees that need to be addressed. I know, I know! This is supposed to be a SecOps article, not an arborist article, but hear me out. To entertain an analogy here, the trees represent alerts coming into your SOAR platform (or your “forest”), and the spray paint markings are actionable IoCs....

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Great article, full of witty suggestions 😉

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Last update:
‎07-14-2021 05:27 AM
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