how to start Management Server UI on 9000 port ?

Not applicable
0 6 694

Assuming you have installed Apigee under /opt directory -

To start all the components-


This is helpful if you have a "All in One" setup. If you have 5 or more host setup, then you will have to start these components individually on those machines.

Just to start the UI component, run the following command on the server where UI component is installed.

/opt/apigee4/etc/init.d/apigee-ui start

If you have following the 5-host installation, UI also runs on the management server.

What's your Apigee setup look like? Is it single host, 5 host, 7 host ..?

Dear @Venkateswarlu Pesala ,

By default Management Server UI runs on port no 9000. You don't need to explicitly specify port number.

You can start using below command

<inst-root>/apigee4/etc/init.d/apigee-ui start
  • If you are starting the browser directly on the server hosting the Edge UI, then you can use a URL in the form:


or use Ip Address where Management UI is running.

http://<IP ADDRESS>:9000/login

Note: Ensure that port 9000 is open.

You can find UI related logs in below location



Anil Sagar

I could not find apigee-ui under init.d .

Did you run installation script after unzipping apigee edge software ?


Not applicable

It is single host on VM cent os.