how generate billing report with total sum paid ?


I want to generate a transactions / billing report for a developer with the total sum paid,

I try with request api :

- with GET : view the status of a transaction{org_name}/transactions/developers/{develope...

- with GET: view report definitions for a developer{org_name}/developers/{dev_id}/report-defini...

- with POST: generate a report{org_name}/{report_type}

but with all test, i don't have a total sum paid.

Can someone please tell me why I do not have the total sum paid in billing ?

1 6 605

Can you be more specific about what you mean by total sum paid? Is it the sum of all debits (transactions that were monetized), all credits (actual payments made by the user, credits issued, etc), or both?

In any case you can just aggregate the "charged rate" column according to the desired criteria

It is the sum of all debits (transactions that were monetized)

For example, I make a transaction and generate a billing report for a developer with this request API:

- with POST: generate a report{org_name}/{report_type}

I have this response


The coluumn « charged rate » is empty.

When i send this resquest with the same developer, I have got 42 total records :

With POST : view transaction activity{org_name}/transaction-search

I have this response:


In your example you're getting no charges for setup fees. Most likely because that's how the plan has been configured. Try configuring a plan with a setup fee and/or invoke some monetized transactions on the plan

Yes I have no charges for setup fees, but I chose a rate Card with Volume Bands like a photo.

Do you know why the column "charged rate" is empty ?


What's happening is that no transactions are being monetized. If there were any, they would appear as a separate line in the summary report, with transaction type = CHARGE

Check the following:

  • Product bundle should have Transaction success criteria set so that the engine can determine which transactions to monetize. Here's an example where all transactions with a successful status code (200) are monetized:


  • Make a few calls to the monetized APIs
  • Wait up to 12 minutes and generate a summary report. Make sure to include the current date (default parameters leave today out)
  • If you're still not seeing a CHARGE line in the report, open a support ticket.

I restarted Apigee EDGE components (All In One), and now the transaction type value is "CHARGE" and the column "charge rate" is field.

Thank you for your help