Unable to delete API Documentation on Developer Portal


We have created new models and published Swagger API Dcoumentation.

I am able to delete the Smartdocs Models for all of API Dcoumentation.

But there is one API Documentation which I can see on /apis page but can't see its Smartdocs Model under Content/Smartdocs on top menu so that I can delete the same.

Is there a way to forcibly delete that API ?



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Not applicable


This must have been caused due to not having the relevant API models imported to backend. The CMS content is generated on importing a swagger doc while connected to a EDGE instance.

When the connection is changed/removed, you would still the CMS generated content, but not the API Models.

If you want to clear up this content, Login as administrator, Clean Conent :

Navigate to Admin->Content filter type smartdocs method, you can either unpublish or delete.

Clear Taxonomy terms for SmartDocs models vocabulary :

Navigate to admin/structure/taxonomy/smartdocs_models to clear the terms.

Thanks, Seshi

Thanks @seshi