Setting Alerts | Apigee Edge UI

Hi All , 

How to set alerts for target Credentials expiry(which is stored in KVMs).

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@nikhilarshath - KVM is a config map (like a datastore) to manage your key value pairs. This could be anything. Currently you will need to manage that at your end as you are using KVM for credentials.

Why do you rely on apigee on target credentials 🙂 but you should think of onboarding target credentials(for that matter any sensitive credentials which is mandated to be rotate based of compliance needs) into a vault (like cyberark,HashiCorp valut etc & enable alerting mechanism ) which will have a better capabilities .Again this all goes by company security guidelines on keys rotation.If there is an opportunity why not speak to security engineer on enabling such features.

Also have a utility build across kvm so that it is easy to operate across different kvm's to update keys on a event of key rotation(if you are following proper naming standards).

One step further think about two key approach concept at backend -- may be little advanced but having current and previous key to support during the swap/cryptoperiod..Sometimes if backend changes credentials but upstream is still sending old credentials for shorter period because of cache issues or what ever it could be & to avoid failure if backend code honors both key support till certain crypto period this will help reduce failures (also need to consider on previous compromise/deactivated  keys scenarios to be taken care).. I will let reader to be creative on the implementation. Try practice in lower environments & once you have a way you can rotate the keys at will..

Over the concept is to have better alerting using a key vault and not burden/rely on applications..