PHP 7.0 End Of Life & Support


Product: Edge Private Cloud

Component: Developer Portal

Would like to know when will APIGEE update the PHP version in Developer Portal to the latest PHP version?

According to , PHP 7 is already End Of Life & Support.

Please advise

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Hello Yu Liang,
We are planning to upgrade all PHP versions for Edge Private Cloud next month (January 2019). We will post back to this thread with a link to the upgrade/install instructions once everything is verified.

Dear @Chris Novak ,

Merry Christmas and Happy 2019!

Thank you for your update! This is very useful to me. I really appreciate it! 🙂

Just to confirm, the January 2019 Release for Edge Private Cloud will be 4.19.01 right?

The update/install instructions/information will be release together with the installer on the last Tuesday of January 2019 or earlier?

Thank You in advance

With best regards,

Yu Liang

Dear APIGEE/Expert

Happy 2019!

Is there an update for this topic already?

Thank You


Yu Liang

Hi APIGEE/Expert,

Any updates on this?

As from the new release for Edge for Private Cloud Version 4.19.01, I can still see the PHP Version is 7.0.23. Screenshot as follow:-

Snippets obtained from (

The below screenshot was obtained from (

PHP 7.0 has already entered "End of life" Stage and there is no more Security fixes available. Please advise if APIGEE:-

i. Is upgrading the PHP 7.0 to the latest version (Timeline for this upgrade)
ii. Is providing Security Fixes for PHP 7.0.23

Your advice is much appreciated

Hope to hear from you as soonest

Thank You

With best regards,

Yu Liang

Dear APIGEE Experts!

Is there an answer for this topic already?

This is currently being tested by the Apigee team as far as I know. The issue is that some Drupal modules will need updates to be compatible with PHP 7.2 or 7.3. Drupal core is still actively maintained, but the contrib module maintenance is more varied.

In our hands most common DevPortal modules work fine under PHP 7.2. We or someone at Google plan to post an upgrade script that allows for clean reverts when the official update from Apigee comes along. Stay tuned!

hello @Christoph Weber, can i have any help on this issue

I Have a Devportal running on drupal 7.64 and PHP 7.0.32 and i am trying to upgrade PHP to 7.2 but the issue is while i am trying to upgrade php version by using these following commands ,

sudo yum list installed

sudo yum list installed php*

sudo yum install php72-cli.x86_64

ln -s /usr/bin/php-7.2 /usr/bin/php

i am able to updated to PHP 7.2 and if type php -v it is showing updated version which is php 7.2

but when i go to Devportal status report still it is showing PHP 7.0.32

and also i tried

Use “yum check-update” to check what updates are available

“yum update” to update all outdated packages on the system.

it is showing No packages marked for update from command line

Am i miss something here ?

Any help would be appreciable.

Thanks in advance

Please see for initial pointers on how to make your DevPortal instance compatible with PHP 7.2.