OAuthV2 Policy unstable with "GrantType=authorization_code"


I am developing the flow authorization code with PKCE in apigee x. While testing today, I noticed an abnormal behavior.

The flow was operational last week but today I have an error when I call /token in order to exchange "code" against an "access token".

The error message is as follows :

{"ErrorCode":"invalid_grant","Error":"Invalid authorization code"}

I managed to reproduce the error by following the example described below:


I wonder if you had the same behavior and if you manage to reproduce the same result or if there was an update on apigee side that I don't know.


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I've never seen that.  I suppose you're doing something .. special. 

Here's a screencast I did some time ago, that covers this flow. And here is the source code repo

Here is the helper webpage that I mentioned in the screencast. You should be able to use this with your own OAuth2/PKCE endpoint, even if you don't use my configuration.  

I identified the problem. Basically, the consumer application is no longer recognized by the OAuthV2 policy. I tested with an old one and it worked.

When I created a new application via APIGEE web tool or the APIGEE API, I reproduced the error.

POST https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*}/apps


Good effort reproducing the problem. It sounds like a bug, from what you are describing.  At this point, I suggest that you connect with Apigee support to report this problem.