OAuth2.0 Authorization Flow without Client Secret


My use case is supporting Native Apps to talk to oAuth endpoints.

My research indicates that in such cases the recommended approach is not to use the client secret in a Basic Authorization Header when talking to the /token endpoint.

Instead to use a onetime code verifier and code challenge - known as the PKCE extension - through the flow.

My experience with Apigee is that the oAuthV2 policy does not work if there is no Basic Authorization header that has the base64(client_id:client_secret) when performing the GenerateToken / RefreshToken operations.

Can this restriction be turned off somehow?

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No, currently you cannot "turn off" that restriction.

However you can "work around" that restriction by:

  1. using an AccessEntity policy with the client_id supplied
  2. using ExtractVariables to extract the client secret corresponding to that client_id
  3. Using a BasicAuthentication policy to encode the appropriate Authorization header.
  4. And THEN using the OAuthV2/GenerateAccessToken policy

Makes sense?

Hi Dino, we are also interested in this workaround but struggling with the following:

We have successfully accessed the Developers Profile while using the Access Entity of this example. But in the returned data we do not find the consumer secret or a way to obtain it.

In the trace I can see we have access to variables of:

- AccessEntity.ChildNodes.GetDeveloperProfile.Developer 
- AccessEntity.ChildNodes.GetDeveloperProfile.Developer.Apps 
- AccessEntity.GetDeveloperProfile 

But I cannot not find a corresponding client secret.

Is there something vital we're missing?

Edit: I might have found the answer to this. I can at least see the consumer secret in the trace when instead of using 'developer', I user 'app'. Within:


Hi @KvR, create a new question for your queries.

BTW use below config to get the cilent secret,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AccessEntity async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Access-Entity-1">
    <DisplayName>Access Entity-1</DisplayName>
    <EntityIdentifier ref="request.queryparam.apikey" type="consumerkey"/>
    <EntityType value="app"/>

Yes, KvR, the consumer secret is not part of the Developer or Developer profile.

The consumer secret is part of the app, specifically part of the credential associated to the app.

Follow the example offered by Siddharth to get the consumer secret, via accessentity.