Multiple Values to a Single Custom Dimension/Stats Collector

Not applicable

Our API uses latitutde and longitude in the URI, and with GET requests we capture that and store it as a "geolocation" custom dimension via the Stats Collector policy.

However we also support POST requests in which multiple lat-long combinations can be sent in one request. We still want to track individual locations being requested.

Is it possible to write many values for a single dimension in a single API transaction?

Is there a JavaScript way to write custom stats?

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Not applicable

Hello Jeof, as for now, edge analytics only support one value per variable per transaction. You can store them as single string with some delimiter character, but that will make analysis harder.

Not applicable

I do not think it is possible to log multiple values for a single dimension or log values multiple times per request, to analytics. You can log a CSV or a JSON string, but that might not give you what you are looking for.

Have you considered logging them to API BaaS? You can log an array of entities to API BaaS and you can do geo queries on the lat, long attributes stored.