Microgateway: OAuth access token not working when calling aware proxy

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I'm trying to secure the microgateway with OAuth proxy and it doesn't seem to work for me.

The version I'm using is 2.5.16 and I tried before 2.5.19 but I had the same issue.

Here the details of the issue:

- Requests:

1- Get the access token.

2- Try to shoot the aware proxy using the access token:

curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer [access_token]" http://localhost:8000/hello

- Response:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

content-type: application/json

Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 13:48:35 GMT

Connection: keep-alive

Content-Length: 25


- The log file doesn't show much details, here what is displayed:

error oauth m=GET, u=/hello, h=localhost:8000, r=::ffff:, s=403

error m=GET, u=/hello, h=localhost:8000, r=::ffff:, s=403, name=undefined, message=undefined, code=undefined, stack=undefined

- Here the output when the requests are made in debug mode of the microgatway:

gateway:main selected proxy http://mocktarget.apigee.net/ with base path /hello for request path /hello +0ms

gateway:main sourceRequest xxxxxxxxxxx GET /hello +0ms

plugin:oauth validating jwt +0ms

plugin:oauth product only: false +20ms

plugin:oauth matches proxy rules: null +2ms

plugin:oauth auth failure 403 access_denied { 'user-agent': 'curl/7.35.0',

host: 'localhost:8000',

accept: '*/*',

client_received_start_timestamp: xxxxxxxx} GET /hello +0ms

logging to /var/tmp/xxxxxxxx-api.log

gateway:errors access_denied +0ms

analytics flushing 1 records. 0 records remaining. +4m

- I have checked this question (https://community.apigee.com/questions/47846/microgateway-not-working-with-oauth.html)

So when I change the configuration like :


The request works even without using the generated access token.

The proxy works fine without authorization if the oauth sequence is removed, but the goal is to secure the microgateway using the access_token.

Can someone help with this?

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Former Community Member
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It appears the API Product is not created properly. Can you add a screenshot of the API Product?

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Hi @srinandans,

The issue was fixed, in fact, the problem comes from a bad configuration of the API product.

Thanks for your help.

Hello @MustaphaOUAADA Can you advise what changes you did on the product. We are facing the similar issue. May be we can very well try out your fix ?