Metrics Collection in Apigee Hybrid 1.6 Not working

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Hello Community,

I have been exploring Metrics Collection in Apigee Hybrid 1.6 and I've come into conclusion that this feature is not working for me.

When I navigate to GCP Monitoring Metrics Explorer in a browser there are no metrics available with prefix "".


When I check the logs for "apigee-stackdriver-exporter" container, there is following error:

kubectl logs -n apigee apigee-metrics-apigee-telemetry-app-160-x9993-rkfvm apigee-stackdriver-exporter

level=warn ts=2022-01-21T16:13:00.642Z caller=queue_manager.go:534 component=queue_manager msg="Unrecoverable error sending samples to remote storage" err="rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = One or more TimeSeries could not be written: Unrecognized region or location.: timeSeries[0-14]"

It suggests the issue with "Unrecognized region or location".

I can't find any issue with my overrides.yaml configuration in relation to what is required for Metrics Collection. My Apigee ORG is deployed in "europe-west2" GCP Region.

  region: europe-west2
  projectID: apigee-poc-MASKED

  serviceAccountPath: ./service-accounts/apigee-poc-MASKED-apigee-metrics.json

I have experienced same issue on AKS & EKS Clusters.

Any Idea what could be wrong?

Thank you!

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Former Community Member
Not applicable

Please open a support case for this.

k8sCluster.region must be set to a GCP region (the closest to your cluster), even if the cluster is not hosted on GCP