Issues with Upgrading Drupal Dev Portal to PHP 7.2

I Have a Devportal running on drupal 7.64 and PHP 7.0.32 and i am trying to upgrade PHP to 7.2 but the issue is while i am trying to upgrade php version by using these following commands ,

sudo yum list installed

sudo yum list installed php*

sudo yum install php72-cli.x86_64

ln -s /usr/bin/php-7.2 /usr/bin/php

i am able to updated to PHP 7.2 and if type php -v it is showing updated version which is php 7.2


but when i go to Devportal status report still it is showing PHP 7.0.32


and also i tried

Use “yum check-update” to check what updates are available

“yum update” to update all outdated packages on the system.

it is showing No packages marked for update from command line

Am i miss something here ?

Any help would be appreciable.

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