Issue with importApps in Cloud using apigee migration tool

Json file of the app that was supposed to be imported consists of product, key details etc. The results after executing the importApps command are as like the Consumer Secret and Key are not getting migrated. New Consumer secret and key are created, also there is no product associated with the app even if it exists.

DemoAppMigrationKeyTest app json content

{ "appFamily": "default", "appId": "115e9744-f10e-4f64-a5d6-48cabcf67461", "attributes": [ { "name": "DisplayName", "value": "DemoAppMigrationKeyTest" }, { "name": "KeyTest", "value": "ValueTest" }, { "name": "Notes", "value": "" } ], "callbackUrl": "", "credentials": [ { "apiProducts": [ { "apiproduct": "helloworldTestMigration", "status": "approved" } ], "attributes": [], "consumerKey": "VberGmQZj7SdBdRGhdViqCUKGU23GxAY", "consumerSecret": "FYrSjW3vinYFzG8l", "scopes": [], "status": "approved" } ], "developerId": "8671cccd-a3c6-45a9-b85f-03f1a51b564d", "name": "DemoAppMigrationKeyTest", "scopes": [], "status": "approved" }

Apigee Cloud version: 190325

node version: v10.15.3

npm version: 6.0.0-next.2

grunt versions: grunt-cli v1.3.2 & grunt v0.4.5

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