How to overwrite the api proxy deployment using apigeetool

I am using the below command in jenkins to deploy the api proxies to apigee edge.

apigeetool deployproxy -u abc -o nonprod -e dev -n poc-jenkins1 -p xyz

But am getting the below error.

Error: Path /poc-deployment-automation conflicts with existing deployment path for revision 1 of the APIProxy poc-deploy-automation in organization nonprod, environment dev

Here is my requirement , please help me what command to use.

1)If API doesn’t exist in target environment, Create Api in new environment with version 1.

2)If API already exist in target environment, Create Api in new environment with new version (previous version + 1)

so what command should we use to fix the above error and what should we use to do the above 2 tasks.

Help Appreciated.

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The error reported is different. You cannot deploy another proxy with the same basepath. Since you are deploying a proxy named "poc-jenkins1" and there is already another proxy named "poc-deploy-automation" with the same basepath "/poc-deployment-automation" its not deploying.

To resolve the issue - just change your command to

apigeetool deployproxy -u abc -o nonprod -e dev -n poc-deploy-automation -p xyz

Apigeetool automatically creates new revision as you deploy. So answer to both your questions are "Yes"