How to disable http redirect to https on routers?

Not applicable

I have only one 'secure' VirtualHost setup for an environment (let's say dev envronment). This VirtualHost has SSL enabled, on port 9006:


    "hostAliases": [
    "interfaces": [],
    "name": "secure",
    "port": "9004",
    "sSLInfo": {
        "ciphers": [],
        "clientAuthEnabled": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "ignoreValidationErrors": false,
        "keyAlias": "alias",
        "keyStore": "myKeystore",
        "protocols": [

There are no other VirtualHosts setup for same environment:


[ "secure" ]

The API Proxy uses only "secure" virtualhost in the proxy endpoint configuration.

The http://xxx-dev.<domain>:9006 gets redirected to https://xxx-dev.<domain>:9006 (through 307 redirection status code). Where can I disable the HTTP to HTTPS redirect?

1 6 2,142


Is this issue resolved? If yes, then could you apprise us about the solution?

Hey @crina.cimpian

I grep'd both the router and message processor properties files and I don't see anything in there regarding http redirection. Could this be happening in the load balancer instead?


Is this issue resolved? if yes then please let us know the solution.

@swilliams you are right. The issue was in load balancer. The issue is resolved. Thanks.

I think we can achieve disabling of http to https redirect by the following ways.

1.Disable the SSL for the existing VirtualHost.

2. Creating a new virtualHost without passing the ssl info

{ "hostAliases": [ "xxx-dev.:9006" ], "interfaces": [], "name": "default", "port": "

9004" }


hey Amar,

The issue is that only one secure VHOST is created in the environment. So to invoke the proxy https:// must be used.

But if some uses the same url with http:// even then the proxy is getting invoked.

Apigee team, can you please suggest why is redirect happening.