How can i use refresh token along with access token created by External Authorization ?

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I got access_token and refresh token from external authorization (Google ). I used Apigee OAuthV2 policy to generate Apigee token. In another proxy, i created a policy for VerifyAccessToken and it was verified.

Now i want to use refresh_token concept. How can i store refresh_token returned by Google in Generate Access Token Policy ? In documentation, it is written,

"Configure one of these OAuthV2 elements: <ExternalAccessToken>, <ExternalRefreshToken>, or <ExternalAuthorizationCode>. These elements specify a flow variable where Edge should look to find the externally-generated access token, refresh token, or authorization code. It's up to you to implement policies/logic to call the external identity service, determine if the callout succeeded or not, and place the external token in the variable "

Does Apigee generates its own refresh token ? What is the use of ReuseRefreshToken ? And how can i check if token is expired, then invoke refresh token ?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi @hughespoc,

You can store the externally generated refresh token the same basic way you store the externally generated access token, but using the <ExternalRefreshToken> attribute, if that's what you want to do. I'd be sure your use case really requires tokens to be generated externally. It'd be easier to manage access/refresh tokens for your API proxy entirely in Edge.

If you've configured OAuthV2 policy to use external tokens, then Edge will not generate new tokens -- you'll have to develop a flow that allows you to go back to the external service to get new tokens when they expire, and then store them once again in Edge.

Per the OAuth2 spec, I believe you can only store refresh tokens if the grant type is either password or authorization code.

Once you have stored an externally generated refresh token, the expiration settings and <ReuseRefreshToken> will work as expected (as documented). When a token expires, the OAuthV2 policy will throw an error like this:

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Access Token expired","detail":{"errorcode":"keymanagement.service.access_token_expired"}}}

You'll have to handle that error and, if necessary, go back to your external service and generate a new token(s), then store store the new token(s) in Edge as before. See also the fault handling doc.

Here's a policy example that I tested -- it stores an external access and refresh token, and sets expiry times, which are honored whenever Edge does a VerifyAccessToken operation:

<OAuthV2 async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="OAuth-v20-Store-External-Token">
    <DisplayName>OAuth v2.0 1</DisplayName>
    <GenerateResponse enabled="true">

I hope this extra info helps with your questions. If not, feel free to follow up.


View solution in original post


Hi @hughespoc,

You can store the externally generated refresh token the same basic way you store the externally generated access token, but using the <ExternalRefreshToken> attribute, if that's what you want to do. I'd be sure your use case really requires tokens to be generated externally. It'd be easier to manage access/refresh tokens for your API proxy entirely in Edge.

If you've configured OAuthV2 policy to use external tokens, then Edge will not generate new tokens -- you'll have to develop a flow that allows you to go back to the external service to get new tokens when they expire, and then store them once again in Edge.

Per the OAuth2 spec, I believe you can only store refresh tokens if the grant type is either password or authorization code.

Once you have stored an externally generated refresh token, the expiration settings and <ReuseRefreshToken> will work as expected (as documented). When a token expires, the OAuthV2 policy will throw an error like this:

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Access Token expired","detail":{"errorcode":"keymanagement.service.access_token_expired"}}}

You'll have to handle that error and, if necessary, go back to your external service and generate a new token(s), then store store the new token(s) in Edge as before. See also the fault handling doc.

Here's a policy example that I tested -- it stores an external access and refresh token, and sets expiry times, which are honored whenever Edge does a VerifyAccessToken operation:

<OAuthV2 async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="OAuth-v20-Store-External-Token">
    <DisplayName>OAuth v2.0 1</DisplayName>
    <GenerateResponse enabled="true">

I hope this extra info helps with your questions. If not, feel free to follow up.


Thanks @wwitman for reply.

But how can i fetch ExternalRefreshToken in other proxy. I mean to say when i will make a check in other proxy to verify the token. If below error comes :

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Access Token expired","detail":{"errorcode":"keymanagement.service.access_token_expired"}}}

Then i have to call external service with Refresh token to generate New token. How i can get/fetch this refresh token ?. I stored this token in Apigee policy in other proxy. ( Using the way which you provided)

hey @Will Witman !

Do you have any suggestions about the question from @hughespoc ?