HTTP/2 Support in Apigee

Not applicable

Hi, Experts

I searched some post about the HTTP/2 supporting in Apigee and found that HTTP/2 is not supported. But the post date is last year.

Can I have the latest status of HTTP/2 supporting in Apigee?

Thanks a lot!


1 7 2,180

HTTP/2 is not supported.

We have no publicly-stated plan to support HTTP/2 on the roadmap soon.

If you are interested in HTTP/2, right now, you may want to look at Istio.


Thanks a lot for your answer!

For your Istio suggestion, I may not get your point.

In our case, an API management is needed in our solution. And also our solution targets for two deplyment: Kubernetes or standalone without Kubernetes. We use Istio for service mesh in the Kubernetes deployment, but we do not rely on Istio for all the API management although it has some features similar to API gateway, as we need API management (catalog, developer portal, analytics, etc.). For non Kubernetes deployment, we may not use Istio any more.

Could you explain a little bit more for your suggestion?

Thanks a lot!

Best Regards


Hi @Dino-at-Google is this still the latest update? Does on premise 19.01 supports HTTP/2?



hi @dchiesa1 is this feature already on the roadmap now? thanks. 

Let me ask one of my colleagues to provide an updated answer to this....

Hi @dchiesa1 

Do you have an update on this?



Any updates on HTTP2.0 support ? Does Apigee support Southbound HTTP2.0 API's?