Getting a deployment error with the free tier org

Not applicable


We are currently seeing an exception while we are trying to deploy one of our proxies under a free tier org. The same proxy works fine on other free tier orgs.

Would you please help us to fix this issue.

Orgname : darshan-eval

Proxy Name : ProductCatalog

Error in deployment for environment prod.The revision is deployed, but traffic cannot flow. com.apigee.kernel.exceptions.spi.UncheckedException{ code = application.bootstrap.FailedToConfigure, message = Configuration failed, associated contexts = []}



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A few things you can try

- Deploy and undeploy in same environment

- Delete and recreate proxy

Not applicable

Seeing the same behaviour.

@Darshan Shivashankar are you still seeing this issue ? when you run into issue like this check

Not applicable

Please verify if all the components of your implemented Apigee platform are working properly (review their individual statuses). If possible, kindly restart them and review again.

Secondly, please make a copy of your proxy and try again.