Filed to know the true client IP and Load balancer IP

Hi , 

in apigee hybrid does proxy log true client IP and Load balancer IP?

Example - True client IP - Request orginated from client 

                       LB IP - Load balancer before your cluster .


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In Hybrid, this info is dependent on the load-balancer fronting the Hybrid Ingress to capture the client-ip and pass to the upstream. Check out this highlighted note on this link

For logging the ip, you will be extracting the flow variables containing these info and use MessageLoggingPolicy to log the extracted values into your destination.


Hi GanaDurai , We have F5 is sitting before ingress . I can view in the trace proxy.client.ip is the IP of the  request originated client . However x-forwarded header does not have LB Ip .It has only clientIP nad ingress segment.


You are looking for the `client.ip` in this case - not `proxy.client.ip`

From the docs:

The IP address of the client or system sending the message to the load balancer. For example, this could be the original client IP or a load balancer IP.

The variable `proxy.client.ip` resolves differently and assumes a position in the XFF, usually the actual client IP.

From the docs:

The X-Forwarded-For address of the inbound call, which is the IP address Apigee received from the last external TCP handshake. This could be the calling client or a load balancer.