Fetch WSDLError: Expected root element

Not applicable

When validating a WSDL file while creating a new API proxy for a SOAP service I get the followin gerror message:

Fetch WSDLError: Expected root element '{http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/}definitions' for the WSDL document but was '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}schema'.

Below the link to the WSDL file, maybe somebody could have a short look at it and guide me into the right direction on what should be modified in that file.


Thanks a lot!


1 4 1,032

@Matthias Hansen,

your wsdl seems to have multiple references to schemas with relative path

eg: schemaLocation="../Schemas/schemas.navitaire.com.WebServices.ServiceContracts.SessionService.xsd

Can you try giving the schema locations with complete URI like


Hope this helps!

Thanks for your quick reply @Veera Balaji Penugonda,

I've downloaded the WSDL to tweek it as suggested by you, at the end I missed one occurence and the error message changed and told me that this path could not be found on the server. After fixing the last instance as well the error message returned to the initial one from the main post again. Any additional idea on what might cause this?

Attached to this comment you'll find the modified WSDL that I uploaded as File instead of referring to the URL now.




If you are doing it via files instead can you please check this community question


You need to upload the schema files along with the wsdls if it is done from the file system

New Member

@Matthias Hansen Can you also specify what version of Apigee Edge you are using, incase you are using the onpremises installation. We had fixed a bunch of WSDL related bugs and feature requests, so you might want to try it out on our public cloud.