Error in deployment for environment

Not applicable

Hi all,

  • I installed Apigee on a local macine with version 4.17.05
  • I created an Organization&co folllowing those steps (I did not perform the step #6).
  • I created a new API proxy from the UI and the build was successful (I attach the errorindeployment-build.png ).

If I go in the proxy editor and deploy in the environment "test" I get this screenshot errorindeployment.png with the error message:

Error in deployment for environment test.The revision is deployed, but traffic cannot flow. Call timed out; either server is down or server is not reachable

I tried to undeloy and deploy again but the error i still the same.

Why I get this error? What does it mean?

thanks, fabio

p.s.: I look to some old similar questions but I did not found a response.

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Hi @fabio Most likely it means that the Message Processors (MPs) are either down or they are unreachable. Can you check the MP logs? Try to restart them?

Hi @sarthak,

I look in the directory /opt/apigee/var/log/edge-message-processor : which one is the log I have to look for?

I went to the directory "/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin" and run:

[root@ip-10-0-0-43 bin]# ./apigee-all status
+ apigee-service apigee-cassandra status
apigee-service: apigee-cassandra: OK
+ apigee-service apigee-openldap status
apigee-service: apigee-openldap: OK
+ apigee-service apigee-zookeeper status
apigee-service: apigee-zookeeper: OK
+ apigee-service edge-management-server status
apigee-service: edge-management-server: OK
+ apigee-service edge-message-processor status
apigee-service: edge-message-processor: OK
+ apigee-service edge-router status
apigee-service: edge-router: OK
+ apigee-service edge-ui status
apigee-service: edge-ui: OK

This means that MP is not down, right? I have to restart it? How?

That does not tell of any problem. You are correct. apigee-service MP restart I think is the command to restart MP... You should have it in the doc. Try if it works. Else please raise a support ticket.

Hi @sarthak
I run ./apigee-all stop from "/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin" but the issue is still there.

"Call timed out" usually indicates a network timeout is occurring between the management server and the message processor on port 4528. You can check connectivity using netcat, telnet, or any other port scanning tool. If this is a single host installation using the "sa" or "aio" profiles it wouldn't be a network firewall blocking traffic, but it could be a local iptables firewall (check with iptables -L) or an issue with IP selection during installation (make sure you use the private IP assigned to the host and not an external NAT address).