Entity Collections vs. Entities

On http://docs.apigee.com/api-services/content/managing-roles-api it states “The permissions that can be set on entity collections are GET and PUT. Collections refer to setting permissions on groupings of all proxies, all products, all caches, etc, as opposed to setting permissions on a single instance of an entity. “ . Question -> How are entities different from entity Collections? How do we use them differently?

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Not applicable

Thanks for pointing this out. This page needs to be cleaned up.

Collections are buckets and entities are items in those buckets.

Collection Permissions: GET, POST, PUT

Entity Permissions: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE

"Collections are buckets and entities are items in those buckets." - This is true for BaaS.

But the above document appears under API_management and in the section of RBAC. The statement is in context of creating Roles and permissions for the API management part and not for BaaS.

So first question is: "are there any concepts of Collections in API management"? If yes, what is that?


For Example, you want users to view, edit ,delete , trace their own API proxies and do not want them to have access to other API PROXIES then ENTITY comes into picture.

In our project, we have created RBAC model. We have separate template for each roles.

These role do not have access permission of other API PROXIES. They can just view other PROXIES.

But the proxies which they create, they can do anything with it.

I hope this info helps.

@sarthak - It looks like that topic was using the terms "collections" and "entities" generically with regard to Edge artifacts, which have nothing to do with BaaS. I've cleaned up the wording in the topic to avoid the confusion.