EMG Analytics Discrepancy On SaaS dashboard

HI We are seeing a discrepance how the analytics records are interpreted on SaaS which is sent from EMG. The latency is not captured correctly, the request,target,request processing latencies are seem to be incorrect. Below is the record send by EMG :

"useragent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36", 
"developer_app":"EMG MJF TEST APP", 
"api_product":"EMG TEST PRODUCT 2" 

As per above record below are calculations

Average of Request Processing Latency – 1ms (client_received_end_timestamp - client_received_start_timestamp)
Average of Response Processing Latency – 1ms (client_sent_end_timestamp":1505763457343 - client_sent_start_timestamp":1505763457342 )
Average of Target Response Time – 54821ms(client_sent_start_timestamp - client_received_end_timestamp)

But the dashboard shows :
Attached the scrrenshot "EMG Analytics Dashboard.jpg"


But we are not seeing this issue in SaaS transaction when same proxy is called from SaaS.. attachment has SaaS data also

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Former Community Member
Not applicable

Can you please try v2.5.7 and see if there is a difference?

Hi @krishnaprasadm and @Srinandan Sridhar

I've tested with v2.5.7 and i got this:

{ client_received_start_timestamp: 1513876433686,
  client_received_end_timestamp: 1513876433698,
  recordType: 'APIAnalytics',
  apiproxy: 'edgemicro_countryCode',
  request_uri: 'http://localhost:8000/countryCode',
  request_path: '/countryCode',
  request_verb: 'GET',
  client_ip: '::1',
  useragent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36',
  apiproxy_revision: '1',
  response_status_code: 200,
  client_sent_start_timestamp: 1513876436388,
  client_sent_end_timestamp: 1513876436389,
  target_sent_start_timestamp: 1513876433688,
  target_sent_end_timestamp: NaN,
  target_received_start_timestamp: 1513876436370,
  target_received_end_timestamp: 1513876436387 }


Using the same calculations as @krishnaprasadm, i got these values:

Average of Request Processing Latency – 12ms

Average of Response Processing Latency – 1ms

Average of Target Response Time – 2690ms

The values above are still different from the values exposed in the dashboard