Creating an API with Apigee: One API Proxy per Endpoint or single API Proxy with multiple ProxyEndpoints/TargetEndpoints?

Hi there,

I'm still pretty new to Apigee and have a problem understanding a basic concept, maybe someone can help me out with it.

Imagine I want to create an API with multiple Endpoints with Apigee. Would I create an API Proxy per endpoint and redirect to another TargetEnpoint or would I create a single API Proxy with RouteRules instead?

What method is preferred/ best practice?

Thank you a lot already.




I dug a bit further and based on the post above a split in separate API Proxies for endpoints of different concerns is recommended. And the different proxies could be bundled in a common Product afterwards. This is my new level of understanding.

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You got your answer yourself.

It's not a good idea to have multiple proxy endpoints in a single API proxy. It makes the API proxy harder to understand and maintain and you lose analytics visibility (All proxy endpoints are reported aggregated at the API proxy level).

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You got your answer yourself.

It's not a good idea to have multiple proxy endpoints in a single API proxy. It makes the API proxy harder to understand and maintain and you lose analytics visibility (All proxy endpoints are reported aggregated at the API proxy level).

Thank you @deboraelkinv for your answer and sorry for my late reply. It is already clearer to me, but the whole concept of API Proxy is a bit fuzzy at first.